Its brief because I put away my camera and was delighted to greet and meet with artists such as Nevelyn and Caroline Brown, Jane Hagen, Mark Charleville that I hadn't seen for a very long time. It was great too to chat w. Robert and Talbot Trudeau as we no longer serve on the Exhibition Committee; is there a new committee of less rebellious members? Sad to hear about the economically caused cutbacks at the Meadows, but proud at how the museum staff has handled the crisis.
The show itself is what I'd call "democratic" looks as tho' the jurors selected at least one work from each entrant, plus showing their enthusiasm for other entrants by selecting all their submissions. However, I didn't agree with many of their choices, i.e. only one print, DISH, from this obviously outstanding graphic artist; more than one print from someone else that looked like undergrad work. This makes for an uneven, albeit, interesting exhibit. I will return for a more intense visit. Hope to see you there.