Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Apologies..just couldn't rotate this photo, but it is the DANTZIC connection.
Jerry Dantzic's fabulous jazz photographs will be exhibited at ARTSPACE, opening this Friday Aug. 13. His wife, Cynthia and son, Grayson will attend, as will Ira and me.
Cynthia and I became friends during our first year of middle school, Montauk Jr. HS in Brooklyn. This photo was taken at a coin operated photo booth...I think we were 12 yrs. old. We have kept in touch through these many, many years, though it had been 30 years since we'd seen one another, when we hugged at the Ogden museum in New
Orleans, April 2009.
Do enter "Cynthia Maris Dantzic" into your favorite bookseller's site and you'll find a long list of art-related titles. And she's still teaching at LIU. Please come to Friday night's opening and meet her, enjoy archivist, Grayson's talk and Jerry's insightful photos.

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