Saturday, October 23, 2010


The mailman delivered a great package yesterday from dear friend, Cynthia Maris Dantzic. The brightly colored cover of this postcard sized book, and the title ALPHABET CITY: Signs of New York, had me picking it up and going through it immediately, page by fascinating page. Cynthia's photographs of New York City's creative signs and her selection of those with alphabetic whimsey provide lots of chuckles as well as beautifully composed and colorful subjects, i.e. the scissors and comb that become an "A" in Barber Shop, or the fork that's an "E" in Eats. There are 30 delightful postcards in this volume. What a perfect stocking stuffer this book would make. Its publisher is Fotofolio, ISBN 978-1-58418-126-2.

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